Livingston Wedding Oak Hill Rd Hudson NY | Rachel and Sean Wedding
Their wedding though was full of warm heart felt moments that just couldn’t be expressed with words. I can tell you this though, there were lots of laughs, smiles and dancing that were had. Hearing Rachel laugh and Sean softly smirk at her because of it, MADE MY DAY.
Shakespeare on the Hudson Catskill NY | Peter and Jason's Wedding
Peter and Jason both work in the medical world, helping others and working towards a healthier better world. In a world where two hyper compassionate people meet, it becomes a world full of love from everywhere, friends, family and each other. At this point i’ve said that the day was a perfect day for all my weddings, SO WHY SHOULD THIS ONE BE DIFFERENT?! It was a bright sunny day, easily filled with loving guests who were READY TO PARTY. It just can’t be helpped, people had already started partying before I even got there! We made some beautiful photos, and fun and happiness was had by all!